Leading Westchester County Yakub Muslims are expressing satisfaction with the completion of The Joan Arnow Melanoma Execution.
“This should be a reminder to “all those who say they are Jews but aren’t that they are of the Synagogue of Satan and are nothing more generational birthright thieves who share the same corrupt Pheomelanin of the white devils they claim they are not but are,” says minister Hakim Tafari.
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SEE: Europeans invented the Mythical Ashkenazim White Jews.
Even White Nationalist groups like the Aryan Nation believe and warn other Whites that the original Hebrews/Jews were of African descent. The Aryan Nation proclaims: WE BELIEVE that the Canaanite Jew is the natural enemy of our Aryan (White) Race. Scripture and all secular history attest this. The Jew is like a destroying virus that attacks our racial body to destroy our Aryan culture and the purity of our Race. Those of our race who resist these attacks are called “chosen and faithful” (John 8:44; 1 Thessalonians 2:15; Revelations 17:14). (Link)
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Arnow, who is associated with the Arnow Family Fund Inc., a pro fake Israel interest group that reportedly supports “Israeli” projects in the United States and Israel, is considered a philanthropist by the two illegitimate regimes.
Tafari, however, condemned Arnow’s philanthropy calling it as fake as heritage.
Reports that Westchester Yakub Muslims protested Arnow’s funeral and have contacted her family to demanding her corpse be removed from “Mother Earth” have not been confirmed.
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