- Yahweh Jakobs
"The Blacks are promoted by Jews to kill whites." Purporters swear!
But after the historical racial terrorism they (whites) have committed against us and refuse to make restitution for and the modern day support of that racist infrastructure, why would we need any one to help or show us where to place our anger at or whom to place them upon?"
"They know the so-called Jewish Holocaust was fake but credit the fake Jews as real."
- Global Black Alliance (GBA)
Likewise the banks, Federal Reserve, media and the slave ships are owned by the Jews. Yet, we (blacks) are the real Jews. If we, as real Jews, maintained the ability to strip ourselves from our homeland, Uusing the fake Jews as our tools to: givingly steal our birthrites away, build our own slave ships, enslave ourselves and wipe away our memory of us being the legitimate Jews only to have temporarily sealed its memory in our minds until the appointed time for it to be revealed, (SPOILER:) purporters will want to heed their: the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Because they wouldn't want to find themselves on the legitimate Jews started all the wars list. MUST SEE: How Whitey Already Lost His Great “Race War."